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How to use an Abacus


Each column in a abacus stands for one numeral unit. For example, we choose one column as an original unit, on the beam of which we mark "". On to the immediate left colum to the "" mark will be the unit "Ten", then the following column will act as the unit "Hundred", unit "Thousand", Ten thousand and so on as the picture shows.

Before using the abacus all the upper beads should be places against the upper side of the frame and all the lower beads against the lower side. In other words, we use the term " clear the abacus" and it should be done from left to right using the index finger. Upon that, the abacus is ready for recording any number. Each lower beads represents "1" while each upper beads stands for "5". One lower beads close to the beam means "1", two beads "2" and one upper beads close to the beam means "5".
While one lower bead add one upper bead close to the beam at the same time it stands for "6" two lowers and one upper for "7" and so on.

In the same way, in the unit "ten" unit "hundred", unit "thousand" etc when you move one close to the beam it stands respectively for the a hundred, a thousand and so on.




        History of abacus

        Construction of Abacus

        How to use an Abacus
